Day 23:
I'm back in Washington, from Hawaii. How miserable. Three days ago I actually saw sunlight for the first time in almost a month. It lasted for two days but disappeared again today. I guess my brain was confused because I put on a white tank top and short shorts and it was raining and 40 degrees outside. But I managed to stay inside most of the day and avoid the scariness outside.
Here's a little about me in case your new to my life. I am going to Hawaii for college, I have an amazing boyfriend, two sisters, a mother, step-father, father and soon to have a step-mother as well.
I'm home for the summer for now. I'll be traveling to North Carolina in two weeks for a huge family vacation and then I'm off to London and France, fresh off the place, for an entire month. No worries, I'll keep you up-to-date on what not to do in each of these places. Plus tons of pictures to be seen. But for now it's a boring time on a tiny island called Bainbridge, a ferry ride away from Seattle. Common questions about my island: "Do people actually live here?" "Why yes, about 20,000", "How big is the island?" "12 miles long and 10 miles wide", "You have schools, whaaatt?" "Yes, sadly enough."
My mother and step-father are both lawyers so when I'm home and my whole family is too my house is very...eventful to say the least. Lots of screaming, fighting and pushing. I told my mum the other day that she should apply to be on Super Nanny. She said she doesn't want to be seen in front of all of America. Go figure. A few instances that occur daily at home:
Sophia with "lickstick"
Isabella: the instigator and pms-ing teen of the family at 6 years old
I understand that every family has their flaws and "unique-ness" but some families are just filled with those flaws and unique traits, like mine. I can't wait to get out of here and on to a new country. But I'm stuck here for another 11 days. Then comes my entire family. Many stories to come.
My boyfriend is a cutey pie, and lives in Hawaii with me. I miss him.
And a little bit of a dork but that's why I love him.
Well I've stayed up long enough to be able to sleep through the 6:30am wake up call for the school bus for Isabella who threw up today, btw.
Sweet dreams <3
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