Goodbye and good riddance. through with you I am. maybe forever. I really wouldn't regret never coming back here--to this awful island i could learn to fear. just coming back scares the shit out of me.
today my passport was missing in action. luckily it was found. not in the fridge, though that was the first place to be looked. but instead in a bathroom drawer. what are the odds?
to y'all, and yes, i did say y'all...would you ever kidnap a cat? what if it was the sweetest cat ever to exist and was being tortured day in and day out? the cat here is being tortured by two demon children. i want to take it to france with me and keep it forever. they don't deserve such a precious living thing. they're bound to kill it. they're just that evil. imagine sid from toy story and there's my two sisters. just. pure. evil. i don't even know how it happened. them becoming cruel and unusual.
so i've taken a fancy to a) drawing and b) drawing melissa haslam's artwork. everything she has is very funky, quirky and i love it. so plane drawing here i come.
i leave tomorrow morning at 9:30am. but being on an island and all i have to take a ferry at 6:30am. yay for me! how excited am i. not.
one last thing to say....
i wish i had black hair.
or black highlights.
mel out.
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