Saturday, June 18, 2011

I have arrived!

1 day and 13 hours after leaving washington I have finally arrived at Holden Beach. The rest of the family has yet to arrive but my uncle officially ordered 5 pizzas, two breadsticks and two cheezy breadsticks all for a grand total of just around $60. That's it! Can you believe how cheap that is? Like...I had no idea that much pizza could be that cheap. Like holy crap.

First thing I did when we arrived was put on my bathing suit, sunscreen and went for a swim. It nice. It's warm here. 95,96. Very, very nice. I'm enjoying it as much as I can before
heading off to London in exactly one week.
Sadly enough, my flying has yet to finish.

I'm still flabbergasted at the amount of pizzas you can get for so cheap. Just, amazing.

You'll be happy to know that most of my nail polish on my hands has already come off. Go figure my manicure wouldn't last for even a week. >.<

Also, I still don't know who I'm staying with in France. I was supposed to know yesterday but still nothing. Bites, majorly. I'm hoping, praying, that I won't be staying around children. I am done. No, DONE, with children. Screaming. Crying. Yelling. Being a snotnose. All of it. I can't take it anymore my sister just said as she screams. I agree. Same here.

So my dear friend has
this crazy girl who threw a toaster at his head one time who keeps talking to him. He loved her at one point but now just likes her I guess? At least, that's what he says. I was thinking last night that I should write her and tell her to leave him the fuck alone. Because, well, he deserves wwaaayyyy better then her. And she just doesn't even treat him well. He deserves a proper girlfriend. Not a fling, thing or woman-friend. And definitely not a crazy one who will bash him over the head with a toaster. But I was thinking, what if I wrote this psycho toaster lady aka the gorgon. What would I say that could make her leave him alone so he wouldn't be all googly-eyed around her all the time even though she throws toasters? I figured it out. Exactly what I could say. Thing is though, I wouldn't write her without his permission because as Dr. Laura says, "you might feel too involved. You might be too involved." So for the time being I'll let it stay the way it is and let him get out of the
siren's grasp, unless he asks for help. Which I doubt he'll ask for, mostly because he's a man. A manly man. Doubt he asks for directions in a mall near Kohl's either. :p

Well I just wanted to update "y'all" on the status of where I am, what I'm doing, what's going through my mind in the middle of the night tossing and turning. Or while I draw severely demented creatures for no apparent reason except for the pure fact that I like the darkness but only in the dark of the dark of the night. Sweet dreams.

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