Monday, June 27, 2011

Here I am

And oh. my. god. london is soooo hot.

last night i shared a room with 5 guys...and me. yay! they were all pretty good looking and all slept in their boxers so bow chicka bow wow...i must say. lol. though i must say i hardly got any sleep at all because one guy kept snoring. they were the weirdest snores
i have ever heard in my life. i really hope he left this morning for good so i won't have
to listen to him anymore. it was like a mixture of the sound of
spitting everywhere and a bulldog barfing...not barking, barfing. with a little head shaking in their. it was so strange. i wanted to compliment him on his weird snoring but he got up earlier then anyone else (no surprise because he was probably the only one who could sleep).
my hostel is pretty kick ass i must say though. there's a bar downstairs and for 2 pounds i can
have breakfast in the morning. (pretty cheap for london) and there's a table reserved for four
men everyday at 3:30 till late because they all sit and talk story as we say in Hawaii.

today though I took the tube to the london bridge and took the london experience tour. it was me + 30 other people all part of a big group. i felt pretty awkward because they all knew each other
and i was kind of the black sheep of the crowd...american and all.
haha. it was pretty interesting. i had no idea about the great fire of 1666 and i felt pretty bad about it. i'm not much of a history
buff but come have to know where the "london bridge is falling down" song comes from and at what time. so on this tour there was a part called london tombs and it was a bit scary.
you have to hold on to the person's shoulders in front of you and tredge through the darkness where any epileptic would be prone to have a crazy seizure just from the pure amount of strobe light action. there were people who hopped out of the darkness wearing masks of course but one person picked up a gun and shot it at you and you got a lot of pelts of air blown at you. that was the part that really
scared me.

i took the tube in order to go to the london dungeon, (which i might go to tomorrow with westminster abbey) but as soon as i got off the tube a metrosexual hottie with fake blood plastered on his face stopped me and convinced me to go to the london experience instead. i mainly went because he kept following me to make sure i went to it and gave me a sick discount
on the ticket.

i then stopped at a tiny italiano restaurante and ate a delicious pasta meal with sausage inside
and the main guy who worked there told me to get a glass of wine to go with my meal because it
was half off if i did. so of course i ordered white wine. damn me for not having white pasta though. the wine tasted really weird with the red sauce. i also had a bottle of pellegrino sparkling water to help my meal along. i couldn't finish it all because everyone gets
really full on pasta and
the lady who worked there said, "oh you didn't finish it all, did you not like it?" quite the contrary it was excellent! but not to feel bad about not finishing it i asked for "take away" and they gave me my
food in a plastic container! i was pretty shocked that it didn't come in a box but i guess that's the american way. while i was eating my food though i noticed the main guy playing cards with the italian bartender. it was so interesting to see an italian game being played with a deck of cards i've never seen before. so of course i had to ask them to teach me. i must say i wasn't very good at it but now i'm determined to get a pack of italian cards and learn how to play. here it is on wiki:

they were all so nice though that the main italian guy gave me a rose along with the rest of the bottle of my pellegrino. (even if i really wanted regular water)
after all of that was said and done I headed back towards the london bridge and visited Southwark Cathedral and paid homage to my deceased grandfather by writing his name on a post-it and having a moment of silence for him. there were other prayers for sick people, people with hiv/aids and deceased people. you could light a candle too, to
continue your prayer for others to see.

i then was pretty exhausted--after all it's afternoon in my time zone and night time here. i woke up at 6:30 this morning and told myself i was crazy, took a shower and then headed down to the computer store, waited for that to open (which it never did) so i tredged on to find another computer store, ran into one about 2 miles away, and gave the computer to him and he turns it on and guess what? it works! fuck me for walking 2 miles
with my computer to fix it when it wasn't broken anymore. yay! so i walked all the way back to my hostel to drop off my computer then walked another 3 miles up to the tube. (my feet are tired) took the tube and did everything i said above.

then, you'll never believe this. i thought that i could take the tube back to a different station that might be closer to where i'm staying. so i take it to a different stop (huge mistake). i ended up going further down then where my hostel is and further to the left of it. like...2 miles. so all in all i was really far away from my hostel and the street i needed to go down to get to it. so i ask a man for directions of how to walk there and i end up just walking 500 ft in a circle. o.o at least i passed a cute "let."
so then i ask another lady for directions and she tells me to take the bus up to the tube station i would've, should've gotten off at but tells me to take it in the wrong direction. but just to make sure she was giving me the right directions i read all of the signs (still got super confused) but managed to go the right direction. but guess what! i got off a stop early. so now i'm really
confused. i walk around puzzled and end up seeing a train station. i'm like...fuck where the hell is the tube? turns out to be in the train station. go me! so i get on the tube to go exactly 1 stop. *sigh* i then get off where i was supposed to and then catch another bus to go down to my hostel. though the traffic is incredibly bad. so what would've been a half hour walk turns into a 2 hour bus ride. and if that wasn't bad enough there is no a/c in the busses. so it was soooooo hot. like...20 degrees hotter in the bus then outside. i don't think my pasta is still good but i'm going to eat it anyway.
there's a little town close to where i'm staying called "world's end" i find it hilarious because the name is on every shop on the street. the clock's hands just keep spinning and spinning, they don't stop. pretty awesome.

so i finally made it back and now i'm relaxing, drinking the rest of my sparkling water (which i
don't like) as well as a
j2o to wash the taste down. if your ever in london i highly
recommend it. it's really fruity and very delicious.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In the terminal

Here I sit...and wait...

5 hours.

That's how long I must cower and wait.

Wait wait wait.

Not because of a layover. I must wait because my parents didn't want to rent the car for another day and had to return it at noon. So I got to the airport 5 hours early. If I could capitalize the 5 I would. Oh here we go...FIVE hours early. So I've watched one episode of Six Feet Under, listen to a black guy talk super loud on the phone and pace, told my boyfriend he doesn't love me, texted him back and said I know he does, looked at prices of my new business proposition--feathering people's hair, looked at business licenses, gone to the bathroom and eaten a philly cheesesteak (my favorite). I still have...two more hours. Fuck.

I've thought about hooking up with the guy sitting in front of me because he has to wait a long time least I overheard his phone conversation. But he's not cute enough for it. You must be a certain cuteness to sleep with me or make out with me. Cept that guy named Rico. I was the cute one then. But that was back in the 00's maybe...2 years ago? I was going to visit one of my uncles. He gave me a hickey too. Fuck him.

There's a purple jewel on my luggage. Just saw it. Now I can't stop staring at it. Oh God I'm bored. GOD GOD GOD. I wish I could make invisible letters. Wouldn't that be cool? Or maybe I have already but you can't see it. Bwahhahahaha. Now your wondering.

Did you know, it's impossible to lick your elbow.

Go on, try.

I dare you.

Double dog dare you.

I bet you tried.

If you didn't fuck you too.

I have a lot of fuck you's on my mind today.

Maybe it's because my boyfriend doesn't love me.

Or maybe he does.

He says he does but how am I supposed to know he's telling the truth.

That's it! I can't trust anyone even though I say I trust you odds are I don't.

Trust is a hard thing for me.

But if he's really a great person then he'll realize that I didn't mean to say that he didn't love me.

I was just angry because it takes him 10+ minutes to respond to anything I say to him.

Do you realize just how aggravating that is? Like...seriously. If your talking to someone online it's just plain rude to take more then 3 minutes. Same if your texting someone.

Now I feel clingy.

Go away.

Leave me alone.

No one loves me yet everyone does.

Go fuck yourself.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Before I start...I'm going to let you know that I am about to go on a serious ranting rampage. You are officially forewarned.

I'm going to start by saying that I am mad, and extremely frustrated. Like. EXTREMELY frustrated.

You want to know all the things that make me really angry? When older people touch you on your shoulder or head really softly out of "kindness" i think it's icky and gross and I just really don't like. I would prefer a hug or to be left alone.

When people pretend to be super interested in everything you have to say but don't really give a shit. I would rather have someone completely not talk to me then ask me a shit ton of pointless questions. For example, "are you happy you chose to go to school in hawaii?" Yes, yes I am. Then I have to pretend that I'm extremely happy they're talking to me when I'd rather them just shut the fuck up.

I'm frustrated when people don't get out of bed till three o'clock pm. Especially when they are my boyfriend and I want to talk to them but they won't even text me because they now have to get ready for work and can't talk on the phone because their mother used up all their minutes. Then on top of all of that. I will be out of the country in less then a week and I won't even be able to text them how on earth will I even be able to talk to him while I'm gone for a month if he can't even get out of bed at a reasonable time?!?!?!?! >.< I am so angry right now it's difficult for me to even type.

If that wasn't enough I'm still stuck with babies crying every 10 minutes and then a 7 year old who keeps asking, "what's wrong, why are they crying?" why does it even matter when it's a constant thing that happens every 10 minutes? I just don't like children much. I also don't like it when I try to keep my blog from my family but they find out anyway because I forgot to block someone on my facebook. Yes. I do try to keep all of this away from my family. They probably wouldn't like me much if they knew exactly how I felt about everything. I usually just want to be left alone because the truth is, I'm a bit of a loner and like to be kept away, swept under a rug and forgot about. But hell. You would never know it because I pretend to like to be in big groups, when really I just like to be with one other person and no one else. I would be perfectly happy if I only knew and spent time with one person every minute of every day.

Off topic my boobs have gotten smaller I think. Or maybe it's the black causing the effect.

Still no text back. From any guy. Just a girl. I love her the best I think. She will always respond to any text message I ever send no matter how lame. Men, not so reliable these days.

Another thing. I hate hair and bugs. I really hate both. You know what I keep finding in the bed I'm sleeping in? Hair. Long strands of women's black hair. Groooossss. I also found a pubic hair on the toilet seat cover. Nasty. I just don't even know what to do in those situations.

As for bugs. Why are they attracted to light? It's a bad idea. They also like to attach themselves to you. Like today I was carrying two beach chairs back to the house and a tiny thing latched itself onto me then bit or stung me. I mean, seriously? Why? I didn't do anything to you. You choose to jump onto me and bite me for no good reason. What the hell? Also they like to swarm all your light so they attack your tv screen or computer screen then when it vanishes they attack you. Landing on you and being gross. If you happen to have your mouth open they fly in and oh, here's some extra protein for you.

Finally some semblance of male existence. Hello my love who I'm really mad at right now.

Anyhow. If all the bugs in the world were gone and everything could function the same without them I would be a much happier person.

I have no idea what I want to do. About living. And existing. I don't know where I want to stay the rest of my life. What I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm not even sure what I want to do 2 months from now. My step-dad today, who I have trouble getting along with, said that he'll be getting a wedding invitation to Hawaii in about twelve months. I was like, what on earth are you talking about, do you mean my dad? for those of you who don't know my dad is getting married in november in hawaii. then i said I doubt he'll be inviting you to his wedding because it's my dad and that would be super weird. But go figure he'd be talking about me and me getting married to the guy who i've been dating for...7 months now or 11 months depending on how you classify the term "relationship." just because we want to move in together means that we also want to get married only dating for 2 years. because everyone that moves in together gets married. everyone knows that. O.o bastard.

Found another hair. gross. Well, goodnight, sweet dreams or goodmorning or good afternoon. I wish you the best of the best for always and for eternity. If I have offended you in anyway my deepest condolences for it was not my intention to offend but only to liberate my ideas and beliefs.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I have arrived!

1 day and 13 hours after leaving washington I have finally arrived at Holden Beach. The rest of the family has yet to arrive but my uncle officially ordered 5 pizzas, two breadsticks and two cheezy breadsticks all for a grand total of just around $60. That's it! Can you believe how cheap that is? Like...I had no idea that much pizza could be that cheap. Like holy crap.

First thing I did when we arrived was put on my bathing suit, sunscreen and went for a swim. It nice. It's warm here. 95,96. Very, very nice. I'm enjoying it as much as I can before
heading off to London in exactly one week.
Sadly enough, my flying has yet to finish.

I'm still flabbergasted at the amount of pizzas you can get for so cheap. Just, amazing.

You'll be happy to know that most of my nail polish on my hands has already come off. Go figure my manicure wouldn't last for even a week. >.<

Also, I still don't know who I'm staying with in France. I was supposed to know yesterday but still nothing. Bites, majorly. I'm hoping, praying, that I won't be staying around children. I am done. No, DONE, with children. Screaming. Crying. Yelling. Being a snotnose. All of it. I can't take it anymore my sister just said as she screams. I agree. Same here.

So my dear friend has
this crazy girl who threw a toaster at his head one time who keeps talking to him. He loved her at one point but now just likes her I guess? At least, that's what he says. I was thinking last night that I should write her and tell her to leave him the fuck alone. Because, well, he deserves wwaaayyyy better then her. And she just doesn't even treat him well. He deserves a proper girlfriend. Not a fling, thing or woman-friend. And definitely not a crazy one who will bash him over the head with a toaster. But I was thinking, what if I wrote this psycho toaster lady aka the gorgon. What would I say that could make her leave him alone so he wouldn't be all googly-eyed around her all the time even though she throws toasters? I figured it out. Exactly what I could say. Thing is though, I wouldn't write her without his permission because as Dr. Laura says, "you might feel too involved. You might be too involved." So for the time being I'll let it stay the way it is and let him get out of the
siren's grasp, unless he asks for help. Which I doubt he'll ask for, mostly because he's a man. A manly man. Doubt he asks for directions in a mall near Kohl's either. :p

Well I just wanted to update "y'all" on the status of where I am, what I'm doing, what's going through my mind in the middle of the night tossing and turning. Or while I draw severely demented creatures for no apparent reason except for the pure fact that I like the darkness but only in the dark of the dark of the night. Sweet dreams.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So long, farewell

cruel, cruel washington.

Goodbye and good riddance. through with you I am. maybe forever. I really wouldn't regret never coming back here--to this awful island i could learn to fear. just coming back scares the shit out of me.

today my passport was missing in action. luckily it was found. not in the fridge, though that was the first place to be looked. but instead in a bathroom drawer. what are the odds?

to y'all, and yes, i did say y'all...would you ever kidnap a cat? what if it was the sweetest cat ever to exist and was being tortured day in and day out? the cat here is being tortured by two demon children. i want to take it to france with me and keep it forever. they don't deserve such a precious living thing. they're bound to kill it. they're just that evil. imagine sid from toy story and there's my two sisters. just. pure. evil. i don't even know how it happened. them becoming cruel and unusual.

so i've taken a fancy to a) drawing and b) drawing melissa haslam's artwork. everything she has is very funky, quirky and i love it. so plane drawing here i come.

i leave tomorrow morning at 9:30am. but being on an island and all i have to take a ferry at 6:30am. yay for me! how excited am i. not.

one last thing to say....

i wish i had black hair.

or black highlights.

mel out.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nails and anorexia

So today I went to the nail salon and got a pedicure and a manicure. It felt oh so good. But I went in there wanting this variety of different Nightmare Before Xmas artwork (seen on left) but ended up coming out with two jack skelington heads and 8 black and blue lined nails (seen on right). He tried (the manicure man) he really did but it was nothing like I could've gotten if I was still in New York (I went there on vacation over New Years...all by myself...go me!).

So tonight I'm going to my friend Elrik's house (who has now been mentioned twice in my blog) to finish our epic Finding Nemo movie adventure. Should be entertaining. He states that he's determined to get me drunk (because I'm 20 and have yet to get drunk). Good luck is all I have to say. lol.

I've gained 2 pounds since yesterday. I'm not sure if it's water weight or from the pizza and 6" philly cheesesteak I had.
But I'm determined to get rid of it by North Carolina. I feel like I'll lose everything on my body in France though so it's a loosely determined goal. Just so long as I don't turn into one of those McDonalds HUGE women I'm just fine. No, I don't mean those women that are on the biggest loser...I mean someone twice their size. I don't think there's anything wrong with being "overweight." Have you ever seen
"Fathead"? He says that there is no proof that being
overweight actually makes your life expectancy go down.
Amazing. Though I still want to be that super skinny, anorexic bikini model, even if it doesn't guarantee I'll live longer. I just like the attention.
That's horrible, I know. But I wonder how those anorexic women feel. I wonder if they're happy with how they look. I wonder if they still count how many grapes they eat even after looking in the mirror. There's a point I feel when I would realize that there was something wrong with me. I'm not there yet and don't think I ever will get there. I did read an article once on a women who had an eating disorder that her doctors didn't even know existed. She knew she had a problem because she wasn't eating enough and kept fainting because of it but she didn't look skinny or like she had a problem. So her doctors just kept shoving her away saying she was fine and that she needed to stop worrying about it. Finally after going to doctor after doctor one told her what
was wrong and that she needed help and helped her to get the help she really needed. Amazing story.

But I finally bought a bikini so I'm happy with myself. ^_^ Even if it's wayyy too cold to use it in Washington. Bring on the beach this Saturday in a whole new state! Doesn't it just look beautiful? I'm so excited! Bring on the warm weather, sun and sand! wahoo!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Trivia, pizza and Nightmare b4 xmas

I want to start this post off by saying that I am IN LOVE with Tim Burton.

Ok, a little obsessive, I know. But...have you ever seen his artwork and thought process? He's just...amazing. There's no other word to describe it. If he wasn't married and had two children I would definitely sweep in and say, "your brilliant, marry me and put me in all of your films?" This all comes from watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" with my friend Bertles last night. After realizing I know every single word that is said in the movie I realized that Tim Burton is perfect. Except his crazy hair and eyes. lol. Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend until death do us part, but...if he was a crazy, psychotic, imaginative artist that creates creepy artwork I may love him even more (if that's possible).

So last night when I went over to Bertles' grandmothers house we played a trivia game that I haven't played since I was around 12 or so. It's called Alien escape. It's very epic. I highly recommend that you play it. Though my computer is a Windows Vista (I'm quickly learning how awful vista is) I learned how to change the compatibility on the game in order to play it since it's used to being played through windows 95/98.

Doesn't it just look epic? I mean just check out those buzzers (which have long been l
ost)...super epicness right there. While I was playing trivia with Bertles, Mike called to check up on me and make sure I was behaving myself. While he was talking to me though Bertles kept winning all the trivia questions! So I
started yelling at him and Mike got all flustered and told me to call him later. It was very sad. But oh so worth yelling at Bertles for beating me and getting a better getaway spaceship then me. Bitch.

Since I've been in Washington I've realized two things: 1. I'm in better shape then a lot of people living here. 2. A lot of guys stare at my ass.

Why? I have no idea. Maybe I have a nice ass but it's really annoying. It belongs to someone else and I keep feeling violated just walking around on the streets of Seattle.

My movie recommendation of the day is Super Eight by my dear Steven Spielberg. Amazing director for everything alien related. I must say the movie really got to me and I'm sad to say that I was actually tearing at one point.

Only 6 more days of Bainbridge left. Yay!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Back to Kindergarten

Remember coloring, tiny group tables with little chairs and small toilets? Yesterday I went to Isabella's kindergarten concert. This was the conversation that took place before-hand: Isabella: "Is sissy going to my concert?" My mum: "Yes, she is" Me: "" Mum: "Yes, you are." Alright then...guess that settles that. It was a good fifteen minutes and very cute, I must say. Though a little scary at the same time. I showed Elrik, my good friend, the kindergarten video I took of the concert. His response: "Ever see Children of the Corn?" Basically it really was that frightening once you sit back and think about it.

I downloaded about 50 disney movies for my two sisters to watch on the plane. Isabella today said: "Do I get to keep these movies forever? Like...forever and ever?" "Of course", I replied. "I have all the movies in the entire universe now!" Bella said. It was pretty funny to see the look on her face once she realized all the movies are hers and Sophia's.

Only 16 more days until I fly to London. I've decided what I'm going to do on the 15 hour plane ride. It does not include making out with a random guy next to me like what happened on my last big adventure. I don't think my boyfriend would like that much after all. Speaking of boyfriend he was supposed to call me 2 hours ago. I don't understand guys. I really don't. But oh well.

So I entered like...50+ sweepstakes drawing when I was moving away from Hawaii for the summer because I was extremely bored. Go figure that I would actually win something! I won a pair of Shure headphones! I'm super excited about getting them soon. I'm such a lucky girl!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome Home

Day 23:

I'm back in Washington, from Hawaii. How miserable. Three days ago I actually saw sunlight for the first time in almost a month. It lasted for two days but disappeared again today. I guess my brain was confused because I put on a white tank top and short shorts and it was raining and 40 degrees outside. But I managed to stay inside most of the day and avoid the scariness outside.

Here's a little about me in case your new to my life. I am going to Hawaii for college, I have an amazing boyfriend, two sisters, a mother, step-father, father and soon to have a step-mother as well.

I'm home for the summer for now. I'll be traveling to North Carolina in two weeks for a huge family vacation and then I'm off to London and France, fresh off the place, for an entire month. No worries, I'll keep you up-to-date on what not to do in each of these places. Plus tons of pictures to be seen. But for now it's a boring time on a tiny island called Bainbridge, a ferry ride away from Seattle. Common questions about my island: "Do people actually live here?" "Why yes, about 20,000", "How big is the island?" "12 miles long and 10 miles wide", "You have schools, whaaatt?" "Yes, sadly enough."

My mother and step-father are both lawyers so when I'm home and my whole family is too my house is very...eventful to say the least. Lots of screaming, fighting and pushing. I told my mum the other day that she should apply to be on Super Nanny. She said she doesn't want to be seen in front of all of America. Go figure. A few instances that occur daily at home:

Sophia with "lickstick"

Isabella: the instigator and pms-ing teen of the family at 6 years old

I understand that every family has their flaws and "unique-ness" but some families are just filled with those flaws and unique traits, like mine. I can't wait to get out of here and on to a new country. But I'm stuck here for another 11 days. Then comes my entire family. Many stories to come.

My boyfriend is a cutey pie, and lives in Hawaii with me. I miss him.

And a little bit of a dork but that's why I love him.

Well I've stayed up long enough to be able to sleep through the 6:30am wake up call for the school bus for Isabella who threw up today, btw.

Sweet dreams <3