Sunday, July 10, 2011

If you're sleepin are you dreamin?

if your dreamin are you dreamin of me? Give a hand to Blue October for making my life amazing when I'm in the weirdest moods possible.

Things I love:
  • Blue October
  • Emo-ness
  • Hot pink
  • Sitting criss-cross applesauce
  • Applesauce
  • Lukewarm tea
  • Facebook
  • Nicknames
  • Salami
  • Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ben & Jerry Style
  • Being alone
  • Laughing
  • Smiling
  • Throwing my phone
  • Bipolarness
  • Not knowing what mood your in
  • Playing the Sims too long and thinking maybe you are actually a Sims character and there is someone clicking and telling you what to do next
  • Taking pictures of strange things
  • Winning things in spontaneous contests that you entered because there is nothing better to do in your life
  • Being left alone
  • The rain
  • The sun
  • The fall with all the leaves different colors
  • Avril Lavigne when I'm upset
  • Head banging
  • Wet, curly hair
  • Walking around in my underwear
  • Chocolate
  • Shoe shopping
  • Eating chocolate, feeling fat but still fitting into skinny jeans
  • Walking
  • and walking
  • Did I mention walking?
  • StumbleUpon
  • Google
  • My crazy weird moods that occur when I do nothing with myself
Well, that's all of them...or rather most of them. Why am I telling you this? Because that last bulletin is me right this second. I'm typing but don't know why or about what.

Did you know that some buttons that you press do absolutely nothing for you except make you slightly happier knowing that pressing the button could actually do something? It's true. Scientifically proven and everything.

If you love me you'll buy that book for me. Send it to hawaii...oh wait. Don't. I'm homeless. As my mother says, "you'll always have a home here." Funny how I don't even have a room there. *sigh* I'll have an apartment in hawaii soon though. With my man. My man. Not really my man. I don't "own" him.

What's a soul mate? Why does Coca-Cola fuck you up? Why do important, amazing characters have to die in tv shows?

Things I hate:
  • Not being able to leave a situation you really want to. This happened to me last night. More about that later
  • Boyfriends who obsess over video games more then you
  • Crazy girlfriends who are overly protective and treat their boyfriends like shit
  • Loving people you can't have and don't want to have
  • Loving crazy things
  • and people
  • Love
  • Like
  • Therapists
  • Long fingernails
  • Long toenails
  • Running out of chocolate
  • Not having enough money
  • Having too much money
  • Best friends who abandon you
  • People who don't have a facebook
  • Myspace
  • Wall decals
  • Pre-furnished apartments for rent
  • Fish
  • Blood, scary movies and bleeding
  • Fainting, me fainting that is
  • People who smoke and don't care whether or not the smoking bothers you
  • People who don't answer questions fast enough
Trying to write and not being able to think about what to write about because your high on caffeine is pretty up there too.

So last night. I was kidnapped by my host mother. Like, literally grabbed by the arm and had me go with her to a birthday dinner party. They decided that once they were there it was absolutely impossible to be there without me and that I must join them. So they decided to get back in the car and drive back to the apartment and force me to go. By them I mean my host mother and her boyfriend. So that's where I was all of last night. Alongside people who don't speak english and were babbering in french all of last night. Mind you it's babber not blabber. So I was there till 1am and I had been finished and ready to go back before 11pm. It was awful. I was also in the rain today at a marketplace. It's enjoyable to be in the rain alone but not with another 300 people. They all start freaking out and your the only one not freaking out it makes you feel strange.

Well, that's all for now. I entered a photo contest. Results in December. I'll let you know what happens when that time comes.

Love y'all,

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