Thursday, August 11, 2011

I am back

and boy oh boy does it feel good to be back.

So, I'm currently apartment hunting and it's hard. I find so many that I like but have little inconveniences and that makes it difficult. Like one apartment that I like that I'm going to see today is cheap by Hawaii's standards but it doesn't have a washer and dryer anywhere near the unit. So I'd have to walk to the laundromat to get my clothes washed. It bites but we'll see how it looks. I'm tempted to want it already because it's close to school and my boyfriend's uncle would be the landlord. Since I've never rented before it'll be difficult for tenants to want to allow me to live in their apartment.

On other news I'm also job hunting. Turns out I can't return to my last job and so I'm looking for a new one. I'm hoping to end up making more money then my last job. Since I have so much experience it won't be too difficult to find one that's better...i hope. In the meantime Mike is buying me all of my food and supporting me. I went shopping last night and he got a little upset since I was spending apartment money. My bad. XD But I feel I'll be able to get a job as soon as I start actually looking which will be today and Friday. I still need good interview clothes though I keep wanting non-interview clothing. haha. Thank god for Walmart. Except the child workers, shame on you, shame. on. you.

Anyhow not much else going on here in Hawaii. Weather is beautiful but a little hot. Mike's car randomly won't start so it'll be nice just to move back into the city so we won't have to bother much with his pretty sucky car. lol.

Oh, Ohio was good. Except now my mother's side of the family is angry with me because I didn't come to visit them. Truth be told I was busy with my dad's side of the family and kind of forgot about them. I really didn't mean to not see them. I was only there for a week and it was difficult for me to leave my dad's side because I was having so much fun with them. By the time I remembered it was 10pm the night I was supposed to leave. Apparently that makes me the most awful person in the entire universe as my grandmother made perfectly clear. I say a big fuck you to her and I really wish she didn't exist. She's an incredibly mean person who only cares about herself and her ideas of the world are very messed up. Of course I didn't want to see her. I don't even like her. I never have.

I feel bad about not seeing my friend of the family who is supporting me though. I just ran out of time. I'm sending him a thank you card and macadamia nuts in the mail. I hope he forgives me for it. : /

Wish me luck.

More updates to return when I find an apartment! =)